November 28, 2016

appu lEni samsAra

In this Padam Annamaiah eulogises the merits of simple and honest life compared to life of pomp and show devoid of mental peace.
appu lEni samsAra maina pATE chAlu
tappu lEni jeeta mokka taramaina jAlu ||
A simple life with no debts is far better than pompous life incurring debts.

C 1
kanta lEni guDisokka gampantaina chAlu
chinta lEni yambalokka chAraDE chalu
jantagAni taruNi yE jAtaina nadE chAlu
vinta lEni sampadokka veesamE chAlu ||
Even a small hut without leakage is enough. A cup of porridge without worries is better. A woman of any caste is better than a characterless beauty. A little wealth with no blemish is more satisfying.

C 2
tiTTu lEni bratukokka dinamaina nade chAlu
muTTu lEni kooDokka muddaDE chAlu
guTTu cheDi manu kanTe konchepu mElaina chAlu
vaTTi jAli baDu kanTe vachchinantE chAlu ||
A life without insults is happier, even if it is short. Sinless food is better even if it is just a fistful. A humble life is better than rich infamy life. Contentment is happier than struggling all the time.

C 3
lampaTa paDani mElu lava lESamE chAlu
rompi kambamou kanTe rOyuTE chAlu
rampapu kOrika kanTe rati vEnkaTapati
pampuna natani jErE bhavamE chAlu||
Gain without entanglements is better even if it is a little. A life hating fascinations is better than unstable life like a pillar in mud. Surrendering to the will of Venkatapati is the best thought. It is more satisfying.

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